Ghanaian Ahmadi Muslims have been advised to re-evaluate their performance, work harder than before and endeavour to fulfill the obligations of their Baiat as they enter a new century.
This is contained in a message from the 90th Annual National Convention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community in Ghana taking place at Bagh-e-Ahmad, Pomadze, near Winneba.

‘’You should devote yourselves to striving in the service of Jama’at with renewed favour, energy, and dedication. You should not just be jubilant and content with this landmark of over a century since the Jama’at was established in Ghana, but you should make an honest assessment as to what you have done in these past hundred-plus years.”
“You should ask yourself, what have we achieved and how we can continue to advance with greater momentum and increase in our achievements – and how can we remove our weakness?”
His Holiness observed that only those nations observing the obligations of their Baiat are triumphant and are constantly improving their performances.
‘’Therefore, you should make wise and effective plans for the development of the Jama’at so much so that in the coming years, your accomplishments are multiplied many times over.’’

‘’I remind you that the aim of the Jalsa gathering is to provide you an opportunity to partake of a spiritual atmosphere and to guide you towards fulfilling the rights of Allah Almighty, our Creator, and also into caring for the rights of His creation.”
‘’I urge you to form a personal relationship with Allah Almighty and remember him at all times, and in all conditions and situations’’, the Khalifah added.
Story by Social Media Team