The worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Islam, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (May Allah His Helper) has charged each and every Ahmadi Muslim in Ghana to be a loyal citizen of the country. “You should work hard and with determination to contribute fully towards the advancement and development of Ghana”, he said.
This is contained in his message to the 90th Annual National Convention (Jalsa Salana) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission, taking place at Bagh-e-Ahmad at Pomadze near Winneba.

The Khalifa directed Ghanaian Ahmadis to explain to their fellow citizens that it was essential for everyone to cooperate, unite and strive together for the betterment and progress of the nation as a whole.
“You must constantly improve your spiritual condition. Using all your faculties and capabilities, you should increase your religious knowledge and understanding of our beliefs, and attempt to improve your actions and behavioour to the level that the Promised Messiah (as) expected from the members of his Jama’at. Therefore, only by constantly self-assessing yourself, and trying to become even better Ahmadi Muslims, will you have achieved the purpose of attending the Jalsa Salana.
In conclusion, it is my earnest prayer, may Allah enable the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of Ghana to make immense strides which prove to be much greater than those in the past. May you be bestowed with even more pious and righteous personalities than before. May Jama’at Ghana march forward and earn an exemplary position alongside the foremost Jama’ats of the world. May Allah enable you to achieve this noble objective. May Allah bless you all.”

Story by Social Media Team